Reasonbowl: The News Zone 3/15/18

In a cliched homage to the gran-daddy of karmic flavored sci-fi anthology series, I present to you the News Zone. As spooky headlines portend climate catastrophe, wealth inequality, species extinction, nuclear obliteration, mass incarceration, and endless wars the world slips into a chaotic state of panic and awe.

The abnormal has become normalized because you’re traveling through another dimension — a shitty dimension, not only of sight and sound but of authoritarian delusion. A journey into a dystopian land whose boundaries are that of exploitation and cruelty. That’s a signpost up ahead: your next stop: the News Zone!

Today’s top bullshit:

Retail outlet Toys R’ Us is Bank R’ upt. Most knew this was coming, like we know the demise of Sears is on its way, and the entire retail sector for that matter, which is collectively getting throttled. The impact of losing 30,000 jobs will be felt in not just the direct losses of income but also the multitude of related industries which relied on the retail outlet. Everything from truck drivers, to cleaning services, to electricians – will all feel the sting.

With a distinct lack of well paying jobs it may seem difficult to lament the loss of a company where most of its retail positions were not paid a living wage. But the fact people take these jobs at all speaks to how desperate the population is for employment that pays anything. The announcement of the company liquidating all its assets will likely be the last time we hear about the impact of the loss of the retailer in corporate media, much like we hear little now about the devastation done by the hurricanes of ’17 but the reverberations from their effects are still being felt by millions, and the economic reverberations will be felt in the months to come from the demise of Toy R’ Us as the US economy continues its slide into collapse.

Trump admin issues sanctions on Russia for “meddling” in US elections. If you believe Russia was able to meddle in US elections by making social media posts you’re as fucking delusional as Rachel Maddow. Actually Maddow and her Russian’s are coming hysteria is great for her ratings, given that information it then makes her blatherings seem rational, she’s doing it for a payout, or is it the attention, regardless, it’s shitty for truth, great for her ratings and money. (Digressive factoid: Maddow was a Rhodes scholar, named after Cecil Rhodes, a guy who once said this: “Africa is still lying ready for us, it is our duty to take it. It is our duty to seize every opportunity of acquiring more territory and we should keep this one idea steadily before our eyes: that more territory simply means more of the Anglo-Saxon race, more of the best, the most human, most honorable race the world possesses“)

The truth for corporate democrats like Maddow is irrelevant, they seem to be adhering to an “enemy of my enemy is my friend” line of thinking as they align themselves with the human shit-stains that comprise the FBI and the CIA.

There is an uneasy feel that the US and Britain are actively trying to start World War III with Russia, and there’s actually a few Americans buying into this nonsense. Putin isn’t a good guy, but neither is Trump, and neither was Obama, and neither was Bush, or Clinton, or Bush Sr, or Reagan. There’s a long line of bad actors and neoliberal-fuckery which has put both the planetary ecosystem and humanity at real risk of a major culling before the end of the century, and that’s without a world war.

We sit at a precipice, if we step an inch further towards more warfare without rising up to stop it we will meet our end quickly. The earth’s embattled environment cannot sustain another massive war by humanity, it can’t even sustain what the US military is doing in what it calls peace time, let alone in a war that would likely include most of the world’s nuclear powers; the increased pollution to an already fragile ecology will only accelerate apocalypse.

The corporate media seems to have one angle on Russia and its pro-war, pro-Russia vilification, pro-idiocy. They must believe our US election system isn’t simply a con job even without purported Russian interference, they must believe the US has never meddled in other elections including our own. They must also believe they can eat money and that the US government is a benevolent force for good in the world.

Perhaps now is time to call for reason and peaceful revolution to remove the psychopaths from power. Or we could just wait and see what the status quo will provide…I’m guessing more of the same.

Wage growth is being wildly outstripped by rising home prices. It doesn’t take much wit to understand that if wages don’t keep up with home prices that people can’t afford to live and homelessness will increase. Evidently we find ourselves nostalgic for 2007. The system will never correct this problem, and after the housing market inevitably craters again, they’ll simply re-employ the same system again that caused the problem. Oligarchs don’t care about collapse, they only care about chasing power and money blindly, and as long as we flounder under this destructive system the people will continue to pay a premium for what should be a right of life; land to live upon freely.

Jason Holland

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