US Interference with Venezuela Is the Pinnacle of Hypocrisy

Watching the US imperial machine move is like getting a lesson in how to be a bully who says one thing and does something entirely different. Now that people globally have fairly wide access to the internet one would think the hypocritical lies would subside and the truth would bubble to the surface, but alas, that is not the case.

The notion the US is able to spread these lies so easily speaks to how much the American people still believe the oligarchs sitting in power. This in itself is an oddity since who has yet to figure out that politicians lie? Who has not seen a performance in a movie and been moved to tears while knowing what they are seeing on the screen is a fabrication but there is still an emotional connection to the falsehood due to willing suspension of disbelief. And politicians are most certainly actors, they read other people’s words on teleprompters and yet the people can’t seem to figure out that it’s an act.

The American people can’t accept they can be fooled and lied to on a grand scale, and the greater the hubris one carries around regarding grandiosity of their intellectual abilities the easier it seems to be to fool someone. The American empire is a spectacle of American hubris where the people are incredulous to the idea they’ve been suckered, so instead of listening to dissenting ideas with an open ear after being lied to again and again they choose to double down on dumb rather than face that awful possibility of being wrong.

The lies being told from corporate media and politicians around what’s going on in Venezuela have created utter theater and the majority of Americans are eating it up; lost to the throes of a manipulated and framed drama. The response is akin to watching Charlie Brown line up to kick that football one more time riding on the belief that Lucy is now an honest placeholder yet again with disbelief perfectly suspended and critical thinking set to the off position they remain locked into the corporate media narrative. Even politicians like the great semi-socialist hope Bernie Sanders have gotten it wrong, either he’s too dumb to figure out the truth or he’s an active liar in the game. Either way speaks to him being just another political stooge.

Now US politicians, including Mr Sanders, are making arguments of convenience telling you to stand behind the Venezuelan people and oust Muduro. They tell Americans to think of the people. Won’t you think of the people! But the US has a very long history of not caring at all what happens to people. We didn’t care much for the people in Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Yemen, Honduras, Nicaragua…when we openly attacked, interfered, and used proxy agents to wreak havoc in these places. Everyone knows the Iraq war was based solidly on bullshit, but they aren’t exactly in a hurry to make reparations to the millions they affected now are they?

In these war games it’s primarily innocent people that are killed by wide margin, including children. We bomb children and are actively still doing so, but the US somehow isn’t causing a humanitarian crisis in any of these cases, nor do they care to lift a finger to help despite what military propaganda shows in their commercials. But when there is an economic motivation, like say seizing control of a country like Venezuela which has the world’s largest proven oil reserves and coincidentally who in 2017 got off the petro-dollar, then in this case the American government feigns benevolence to spread their heinous empire.

It should be no surprise that US is focusing on them intently because it’s all about the oil and propping up US currency just like it was in most other places the US harasses mercilessly. The power of currency is supreme, when just a dollar or two of US currency can pay for an entire day’s wages someplace else it equates to creating a servant class of the rest of the world.

To understand what is going in Venezuela from a wider view requires understanding the history of the petro-dollar and how currency is used as a weapon of control to subjugate entire nation-states. This linked video superbly explains the petro-dollar and why it’s so important to US oligarchs to maintain its hegemony.

Further, journalist Abby Martin has been covering Venezuela in detail now for a couple years and does an excellent job pointing out the American lies in her Empire Files series here

Ironic hypocrisy 1: The Venezuelan election of Maduro was illegitimate.

The truth is that Venezuela’s voting system is much better than America’s, hence the hypocrisy of US leaders calling out Maduro as an illegitimate leader. However here in the shining beacon of democracy in the US we do the following:

  • Use the electoral college
  • Subscribe to a two party system where third parties are kept off the debate stage
  • Democratic party use of super delegates
  • The rampant gerrymandering of district lines
  • Voter cross checking
  • Unverifiable electronic voting black boxes

And that’s just a start; the US has never in history had legit elections nationwide. It’s a farce of an democracy, but the US has the gall to call out Venezuela who doesn’t have those stated issues.

Ironic hypocrisy 2: Russia-gate

The American people, specifically political centrists, have been led to believe that Russia had a significant influence in the 2016 election because Russian media companies created a few ridiculous social media posts. Americans bellowed out how their democracy was under attack, and now, those same centrists are condoning inserting a US backed leader into Venezuela that most people in the country had never previously heard of as their ruling president. I wonder what would be the response from those centrists if Russia no longer recognized Trump as president and said someone even worse, like say David Duke, was now the leader and then they try to forcefully insert him into power, actually I don’t wonder, it would be chaos.

Ironic hypocrisy 3: The Humanitarian Crisis

The US has been sanctioning Venezuela for years now and the effects have been economic devastation. The US itself has been the reason the people there have been hurting for so long, while the lies spread here in America revolve around somehow it was Maduro and his “Sultzalizm! The doomed to fail Sultzalizm!” It’s harebrained is what it is. They can’t connect the dots how socialism would cause an oil rich country like Venezuela to become poor, but senseless red baiting is a full blown occupation for capitalist think tanks and right wing media outlets like Fox News who spew these deceptions with great aplomb.

From here it’s not looking good for Maduro and Venezuela to avoid becoming another victim of US empire. The US has placed their cross-hairs on the nation like they have done to so many other countries before, and if military action is taken it will mean the loss of many more innocent lives in Venezuela, and certainly much more than if we were to stop meddling in their affairs. American citizens should consider a do unto others philosophy because if the roles were reversed we would certainly not want military equipment from other countries rolling down our streets. Thus it stands to reason we should not be inserting ourselves into the business of others, and especially not for the reasons revolving around plundering their oil reserves, which we is the real reason we are involving ourselves.

Jason Holland

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