The Rule Follower Mentality Is the Primary Threat to Liberty

Rule follower mentalities, the lovers of law and order, are the epitome of what Hannah Arendt coined as the banality of evil, and this mentality is bent towards authoritarianism whose characteristics are well articulated in Bob Altemeyer’s book The Authoritarians.

This guy in the video below has some worthwhile commentary on just what I’m talking about:

This dude gets it.

The rule follower mentality is a problem. People create rules and enforce them to quell their own paranoia. Rules are things people with fear and trust issues require.

Law and order always necessitates cops and jails to enforce the laws and bring about their arbitrary sense “order.” It equates directly to fascism/authoritarianism/totalitarianism/despotism – all the worst of the isms. Now you’re killing people and forcing them in tiny cells because they dare defy law and order.

And law and order is normalized insanity when you think about doing to your friends what the establishment does to people everyday in the name of law and order then anyone can see it’s insane. Like if someone fires up a joint at your house and your reaction is to place them under arrest and lock them in the closet until you can properly evaluate how your house laws should be applied, you also let them know that if they resist your will in any way you’ll have to lock them in the closet longer. That’s how power acts, and it’s even more insane that it’s done on a wide scale than some local lunatic doing it.

Order usually finds a natural equilibrium in nature, no interference from a centralized authority needed. But humans in all their cleverness have devised a way through law and order enforcement to create an ongoing imbalance with each other and flora and fauna.

If the world is ever to be free again then law and order must be done away with. Law and order can easily be replaced with establishing trust via maintaining good relations with others and not being an exploitative dickhead. The problem is people want to be abusive dickheads in this culture so they need the law and order to hide behind backed by people with sophisticated weaponry to keep their rather biased law and order in place. Law and order is something that dissolves as soon as people stop believing it’s necessary.

Jason Holland

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