The News Zone: The Finest News and Social Commentary, Like, Ever

It’s time for another treat, it’s time to venture into that cosmic wonderland of boring horror known as the news. If capitalists are going to kill the world couldn’t they do it with some drama? This slow strangulation stuff is just bad pacing in my opinion.

A sense of drama counts. Like right now, can you feel the Cronkite-esque intesity in my words? The Gravi-fucking-tas?

So I thought I’d kick this off talking about what everybody is really interested in and is most definitely more important than the United States correcting any of their major structural problems in a collapsing environment, economic system, and social hierarchy…and what could you say is more important than that? Well, Russia of course.

On Russia…

Who gives a fuck.

Now moving on…

On Yemen…

So how many people in the US actually know the US is supporting our friend Saudi Arabia by supplying them with weapons and intelligence to attack a the relatively defenseless people of Yemen including siege warfare tactics where food and medical supplies are withheld to starve out innocent people, resulting in what many describe as a genocide situation over the last few years.  The numbers are difficult to track. But what has been caused by starvation and worsening living conditions is a cruel and senseless situation where once again civilians are dying in huge numbers because of the selfish games by elites.

The United States fully supports the Saudis and recently when American bombs dropped by Saudis killed dozens of kids in a bus they stuck by the side of their buddies and seem to have little problem with being complicit in killing children.

This is a fine example of the selective outrage the US shows for all life on the planet. They don’t care if millions of people of color are systematically killed as long as it doesn’t become a PR problem for them. Life only becomes precious to the establishment when it’s one of the good ole boys or they want to use death as a reason to launch a war against someone they’ve been plotting against for a long time to steal their resources and appropriate their economy, like we did with Iraq.

Everything the United States attacks or sanctions, or launches proxy wars against is done under the context of furthering the spread of the US dollar. Money rules the world and when you have control of all the currency backed up by the largest military apparatus ever created on the planet it creates all encompassing neoliberal empire that has a slow cultural appropriation moving into a one homogenized world that will all love the next Marvel movie and will proudly salute our flag each time the anthem plays.

No One Deserves to Be Rich.

If everyone has access to the same things then who cares if someone is rich. But the money privatizes access to resources so when one does not have enough and another has too much but chooses to make it all private for themselves, that is greed beyond greed. To have the means to profoundly help others and instead choose give yourself an excess is a dire breakdown in basic morality.

That is all.

Jason Holland

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