Liberation From Squares

“…there’s a bluebird in my heart that
wants to get out
but I’m too clever, I only let him out
at night sometimes
when everybody’s asleep.
I say, I know that you’re there,
so don’t be
then I put him back,
but he’s singing a little
in there, I haven’t quite let him
and we sleep together like
with our
secret pact
and it’s nice enough to
make a man
weep, but I don’t
weep, do
you? “

the bluebird, Charles Bukowski

I weep for the square. Squares walk into their square buildings, they get in a square elevator, arrive at their cubes where they stare at squared screens speckled with tiny square pixels. Their boss beats on their head so when they walk out it’ll be in a square shape and they’ll think square thoughts; fostering a square life.

However life has limitations as a square, things become stationary for the most part. Life as a square is spent worrying about satisfying the whims of other squares higher up in the hierarchy. More precise squares create more productive squares and nonessential activities, like living a decent life for one’s self, creates waste and does not make for a good square. The square plan is to make all things like them; servile, predictable, and square. It’s about efficiency for the betterment of all squares they say, but in reality it’s mostly for the betterment of inflating profit margins for just a couple very special squares they’ll assure you are so superior in their squareness they are worthy of more money than billions of other squares and non-squares combined.

The squares in charge tell the starving squares they just aren’t being square enough, they need to square up if they hope to achieve success. You’d think those squares at the bottom would realize they are supporting a pyramid, this isn’t a square deal, it’s a scam. And you’d think they’d understand that being square and reinforcing the pyramid doesn’t pay, but they don’t, they just keep being good predictable squares and doing what the squares on top tell them.

And looking at the results of what the squares have done one has to question what good being square is at all. Squares in suits and uniforms send the young off to wars only beneficial to corporate profits. They create policies that take from the poor and give to the elite squares. The squares sign off on contracts that bulldoze over and abuse conscious life; send animals to the slaughterhouse where they’re put in square packages for square consumption.

It’s not natural to be a square. Squares don’t even like being square, they feel ill at ease in their contrived shape. Converse to the square life, the round and uneven things roll and tumble along. They are filled with variance in their velocity; spontaneity in their step. On their surface they proudly wear the marks of all they run into, but they move along still, knowing their rounded interior will carry them forward. They let the world around them affect their movement; the wind and inner momentum their guides. Round things are interesting.

Nature hates square shit. Do you see anything square in nature? It’s rare outside of what square minded humans have built. If weaponized western civilization and their square ambitions didn’t set out to kill all the plants and animals then the plants and animals would be committing hara-kiri anyway just to get away from the hideousness of this cowardly confounded square world humans have created. And they did not build this societal construct out of necessity, but for their egotistical need to dominate and control all they see.

However Nature doesn’t like to be managed, doesn’t like a foregone conclusion. Nature thrives in a symbiotic concrescent flow, and the flow is what the squares quite literally dam up. To dam is to control and that’s what the squares want. Dammed up lives in servitude to them and their control patterns forcing the horde of squares to aggressively nine to five it right into the ecological armageddon. They crave secure control over life while they unwittingly sacrifice all life to get control, including their own.

These squares, they look innocent enough on the surface, almost harmless. But I think they know precisely what they are doing and want to give off the pretense of being so well-groomed on the outside so people won’t notice how there is nothing but the most boorish self serving thoughts rumbling around their repressed insides. Their expensive suits are attire designed to inspire confidence, reliability, and pragmatism, expressing that this is someone successful that we can all trust, but the reality is much different. Squares are swindlers.

Their slick attire and shiny metallic jewelry is but to hide how sold-out they are and sycophantically willing to be subservient squares for their square superiors who all promise them that one day they’ll be the square in charge and can continue the square traditions. But most squares just end up sitting forever at the bottom of the pyramid providing support for the squares that have aggressively climbed on top of them.

We must free ourselves from these squares. They have had their time and it’s been horrifying. Thanks squares. Time to be free again, free like indigenous people were free. To be free means an end to boxed in thinking, to stop trusting these squares because their way is clearly not the right way. So in all situations it’s valid to ask why must we continue to do what the squares tell us. Why must it always be their way.

The square life isn’t for me. I want to run free. I want what every unfettered conscious thing on this planet truly wants, a life without artificial limitations placed over it. A life where someone else hasn’t plotted to use me as a commodity before I was even born. I want to be free to walk on the freed land, to be offensively free and enveloped in the stink of bohemian life, unwashed flagrantly reeking of patchouli with a soupçon of body odor. I want to be naked under crescent moon muttering incantation into the mystical night in a psychedelic haze. I want to let go and learn to dance the uninhibited dance of the evolved Steppenwolf.

I desire a return to shamanistic societies, a bohemian earth, to be free with other bohemians who do not clutch at their square pearls at the mention of dangerous ideas like anarchist egalitarian freedom. To be free of square thoughts down to your innards is to be pure bohemian, pure unabated expression of undulating waves of truth bursting forth where nothing is feigned. To be bohemian is not a state of predictable reaction, it’s a construct engine of supersymmetry in a multiverse of assembling synchronicities with ever evolving cascading possibilities.

And the unbridled, yet still latent, bohemian within wants to piss off the squares, make them uncomfortable, say things that rattle their pointy edges. This is a full fledged rebellion to take back our humanity from the squares who have robbed us of our lives by placing us in these toxic cubes of boredom.

Besides, all the squares want to run free too and hatch from their untenable cubes. They are scared though, because Mommy was a square and Daddy too, so were all their teachers, clergy, bosses, and friends. Should they break free from their square deformities they’ll be shunned by the whole of their intolerant square culture. The peer pressure reinforces their square cages while their true ambitions rot away in the interior.

Squares are innately intolerant folk, always have been, and look where at where their ideas have landed us; murdering and condemning everything not conforming to a square shape. The squares are never going to come around to another way of thinking, their cubes have to be pushed in front of the truth to pierce the square facade. Compromise isn’t an option, as I don’t want to be a trapezoid or a rhombus. And their plan was never to compromise, it was always to have the totality of everything their way. Compromise is only a temporary thing with a square, they’ll soon compromise your trapezoid to a parallelogram and when you fully become a square you’ll barely even notice the difference.

The revolt against squares is different than their war on nature. The war imposed by squares is violent and full of lies to get their puerile way. The revolt against them isn’t to destroy them in entirety, but to destroy the cubes they hide within and the hierarchical structure of their system which has captured so many minds and forced them square.

Jason Holland

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