Delusion of the Masses: An American Epidemic

Americans believe in many a myth about the nation in which they reside. The largest myth they seem to have swallowed is that America is somehow a well meaning benevolent player on the world stage. A country that may have got a few things wrong, but they believe most actions were undertaken in good faith.

Evidence for this line of thought can be seen in how much of the Democratic party responded with outrage when Trump was elected. So wholly unable to believe that Trump could be their president they bit fully on the notion that Putin must have been meddling in the election because that’s the only way a person like Trump could have ever have come to power in this country where in their minds democracy and justice had long prevailed. So they decried that our democracy was under attack by a foreign influence and that it was threatening the foundations of liberty within our country.

The idea that something was fundamentally broken just recently seems peculiar at all levels to anyone that has been paying attention to what’s been going on throughout the breadth of American history, because it’s always been a shit show since the very beginning. A theater of semantics and gimmicktry where politicians say one thing and deliver something entirely different.

Yet it seems there are still a whole lot of people that believe the corruption is a recent development that has only occurred since they have become aware of the dark state of business as usual politics, but in truth our election system and the government structure politicians are corruptly elected into has always been a violent resource plundering system that attracts self aggrandizing egotists like a moth to a flame, and is controlled almost solely by the influence of money. Trump is not an anathema to the American way, he is in every respect the culmination of our traditions, the apex of self serving behavior that America has always wallowed within.

So it’s no wonder since the masses believe America just recently fell off the path of righteousness that they believe the fix is something simple. As if we could merely alter a bit of our election system and it would cure the disease. The disease has always been there though, it’s merely fruiting something more obviously rotten as of late. The disease is rooted in our basic transactional economic system and the power granted to money that allows for a domination and ownership mentality to blossom. It’s in the hierarchal structure of centralized government and privately owned corporatism, it’s in the accepted norms of a discipline and punishment control structure.

Imbibing in this culture will eventually bend and break the value systems of all those who engage within it. Money and the laws backed by men with guns have corroded the sacred, mangled truth in Orwellian language, and overwritten our most fundamental views of trust for each other where we believe in the value of the false idol of monetary currency over the currency of trust in each other. The money has undermined and shattered what reality is to the point we don’t see the destruction we cause by the domination and control systems money manifests, we instead believe that if we can just get ahold of that control system for ourselves and put the money in the right hands we can shift it in the proper direction. But continually for all that grasp after that false idol they too find themselves consumed by its power.

To put it simply in relatable Tolkein geek terms, money is the ring of power and it corrupts absolutely. To survive we must destroy the power, not attempt to wield it. Any who attempt to wield it will simply become another tyrant. The currency we must learn to trasact within is trust and human connection with one another via honest dialetical conversation. The delusion in the belief of money is perhaps the most central delusion in the global society that drives all other falsehoods. Most are unable to even fathom a world without money or some form of control over each other through its power.

And not that monetary currency could be removed in full in an instant, but the teeth of it filed down through regulatory restrictions steadily limiting its power that have long gouged out the spirit of humanity and the natural world. Its effects could be gradually made less sharp until people can see for themselves it is wholly unnecessary. There is a greater truth than money, a truth that holds a greater future than any money could ever buy, but we must rid ourselves about our delusions of who we have been, who we are now, and who we are going to be if we continue down this same path, because truth cannot emerge by embracing lies. Truth can only come by acceptance, letting go of the past and its traditions that uphold the lies, and dropping the egoic state that defends the lie within.

Jason Holland

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