She’s Not There
“Our culture is now one of masculine triumphalism, in which transhistorically feminine expressions – empathy, sweetness, volubility, warmth – are seen as impediments to a …
“Our culture is now one of masculine triumphalism, in which transhistorically feminine expressions – empathy, sweetness, volubility, warmth – are seen as impediments to a …
It may sound ridiculously simple, but that’s exactly what it is, and that is to know all your money problems and worries around money can …
A brief definition of capitalism from an awakened working class perspective.
It’s time for another treat, it’s time to venture into that cosmic wonderland of boring horror known as the news. If capitalists are going to …
At the height of empire a boundless stream of lies are told through euphemistic abstractions. These abstractions are but illusion, they obscure perceptions by never directly dealing with the real physical reality, instead an interface is placed over the existing reality for purposes of control.
Hear me out. I realize the idea of sharing may seem like a vulgarity to the sophisticated American mind and could rile a few people …
The Tao Te Ching, arguably one of the most profound works in philosophy, arrives at some rather anarchist sounding ideas. There is wisdom in these …
May 14th was quite a day for the empire, the shit show on full display exhibiting lots of swagger in its death throes. The people …
Abuse creates anger in the abused. The anger percolates if left in an undigested state, and the abused lash back at all of creation feeling …
Bow before thy lord of bling.
In a cliched homage to the gran-daddy of karmic flavored sci-fi anthology series, I present to you the News Zone. As spooky headlines portend climate …
The 2018 government shutdown is now over but I’m thankful Democrats like Chuck Schumer got the chance to make announcements that expose just what the …
“A lie can travel halfway around the world before the truth can get its boots on.” – Not Mark Twain Prevaricator: a person who speaks so as …
Emma Goldman’s writing is as valid now as it was a hundred years ago. A testament to the fact we are still ensconced within the same socioeconomic issues.
Transmogrify. From rage, to depression, to surrender, to heal, to grow, to reason, to empathy, to dulcet whisper, to song, to dance…to be. To exist.
Since its inception the war on drugs has psycho-actively altered the global perception of drugs and even the definition of what drugs are. The mental fog …
Money and the power it imbues atrophies the living daemon in all who are subjected to capitalist games. It is a manipulator of perception, a …
Charles Bukowski’s poem Roll the Dice tells of the freedom that comes from putting yourself on the line, and holding a line. Go all the …
Ramblings: 5/22/17 – Being a someone, Trump observation, and Problems with social media
How Trump shares the same salesman soul as Arthur Miller’s character in Death of a Salesman.